ZIB Education

Trend in competence acquisition and school development since PISA 2000

Lead: DIPF

What was the project about?

The findings of the PISA studies are related to a specific survey point in time and thus only show a corresponding segment of school performance. This project’s aim was to reveal changes and developments across several PISA studies. Analyses were based on PISA data and national extensions, including additional assessments of ninth grades conducted since 2003. Moreover, schools were identified which had already taken part in studies several times.

It was therefore possible to examine correlations between student performance and changes in various factors. How schools and student performance have developed since the introduction of all-day schooling was reviewed, for instance. Many other characteristics could be analysed in this way, including changes in student population, in the educational system and in the structure of schools and teaching. The central issue was how changes in the school context impact on student performance.


What results did the project produce?

  • Internal evaluation activities have a positive effect on the level of student performance and school climate. By means of such activities, the school evaluates where it has room for improvement. All-day schooling also positively affects the school climate, but not performance.
  • PISA has shown that the performance of 15-year-old students has improved since 2000. A comparison of the ninth grades however shows no such change. The improved performance in PISA is more likely explained by the fact that children begin their schooling at an ever earlier age and repeat a year less often. Some of the young people tested in PISA are therefore already in grades higher than the ninth grade. This also shows that educational policy efforts to improve the efficiency of schooling time are having an effect.
  • A possible cause of increased performance after 2000 might be the higher percentage of students at “Gymnasien” (German high schools).


Publications on this project:


089 289 28274 zib.edu@sot.tum.de