ZIB Education

Self-reported learning strategies in the large-scale assessment study PISA: The comparison of two response formats

Ana Tupac-Yupanqui, Research associate TUM

Title of the doctoral dissertation:

Self-reported learning strategies in the large-scale assessment study PISA: The comparison of two response formats


This dissertation deals with the measurement and development of learning strategies in international large-scale assessments in mathematics. The dissertation has two aims: to investigate the validity of measuring learning strategies; and to explore how learning strategies of adolescents in Germany develop in the course of one school year and how this is related to the development of mathematics competence as well as multidimensional learning goals such as interest, motivation and self-efficacy in mathematics.

First study:
The first study deals with how learning strategies are measured in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012. The focus of research is on the comparison of different response formats in the measurement of learning strategies in self-reported questionnaires. The research aims to explore the validity of two response formats: forced-choice and rating scales. This study will examine whether these two response formats measure the same latent variable, how socially desirable responses are related to each response format, and whether there is a difference in the relationship between learning strategies and mathematics competence as well as interest, motivation and self-efficacy in mathematics differentiated by gender and school track. Assessing learning strategies validly is essential to improve educational assessment practices.

Second study:
The research topic of the second study is the development of learning strategies of adolescents in the course of one school year in Germany. Here, the research focuses on the relationship between learning strategies and mathematics competence as well as multidimensional learning goals such as interest, motivation and self-efficacy in mathematics. This study will use data from the follow-up study PISA Plus 2012–2013.

Doctoral Supervisor:Prof Dr. Kristina Reiss
Mentor: Dr. Mirjam Weis
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Anja Schiepe-Tiska, Dr. Jörg-Henrik Heine


089 289 28274 zib.edu@sot.tum.de