ZIB Education

ReLeK: Learning Resources in Times of Crises

This project aims to identify adolescents’ individual traits associated with successful learning in challenging learning environments and times.

Due to the measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning changed significantly during the complete or partial closure of school buildings, distance learning, and quarantine measures. Students, teachers, and parents had to adapt to this new situation in the shortest possible time.

ReLeK focuses on the question of whether specific individual traits make students’ learning in times of crises respectively easier or harder. More specifically, characteristics and competencies under normal circumstances, i.e. before the corona pandemic, will be compared to times of crisis, i.e. during the pandemic. First, profile analyses of PISA 2018 data will be conducted which will then be replicated with data from PISA 2022. The profile analysis will concentrate on traits that are suspected to be especially relevant to learning in times of crises (as created by the Corona pandemic containment measures), i.e. self-regulation and perceived ICT competence. Additionally, a comparison to well-researched traits that are associated with learning is intended. After identifying specific profiles those will be analyzed with regard to the students’ competencies measured in the respective PISA cycle as well as the students’ sociodemographic characteristics.

The goal of this project is to contribute to a better understanding of individual resources associated with successful school learning, especially in times of crises. In addition, socio-demographic characteristics will be considered to identify risk groups that need special support and assistance. With an eye to future crises, the project can also provide insights into which competencies and individual resources in particular should be promoted preventively to prepare students.




089 289 28274 zib.edu@sot.tum.de